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Evening Hours

Tuesday - Wedenesday 7PM - 9PM


Want to connect with your ancestors?
We have the solution!

"When our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes inside us. We feel part of something greater than ourselves."

President Russell M. Nelson

Daytime Hours

Monday-Thursday 10AM - 4PM

Sunday Afternoon 3PM - 5PM

CLOSED Mother's Day (May 12)

CLOSED Memorial Day (May 26-27)

CLOSED June 2-9th

Our Services

Our friendly team is available to provide personal assistance and guidance throughout your genealogical journey.

Personal Help
Research Resources

Utilize our seven touch-screen computers and scanning and printing resources to locate and preserve your family discoveries.

Access our collection of 14 premium research websites to uncover historical records and discover your ancestors.

Scanning and Printing

Contact Us

Get in touch with Eagle FamilySearch for personalized assistance and genealogy resources.